Let me set the scene: Myself driving down the 400 toll at 11pm last night. I sat there knawing pensively on my stale and microwave induced rubbery pizza that I shiftly stole from the breakroom at work. I found myself looking around my car, which after a looooong work week of 12-16 hour days, was filled with greasy take-out bags and crumpled wrappers. My moment came as my hand slowly crept to the bag wondering if just maybe, hopefully, I could find a little fried hitchhiker to munch on. And then it hit me in a brilliant, blinding flash of blazing creativity; I'm going to set up a drive through in the toll booth!
The Business Model
Step one: I need an "in" into the tolling community so as to network my way into a toll booth job.
Step two: Begin work as a tollbooth worker. Fly under the radar at first, no rocking the boat. Just be the best damn tollbooth worker I can be. Meanwhile, begin to get a handle on the market; needs, interests, food cravings....a toll poll! haha!
Step three: Start small possibly something similar to a lemonade stand set up, of course all depending on the polling results (refer to step 2). But innocent, small scale so as not to threaten or raise suspicion among the other toll workers.
Step four: Begin generating some serious street cred, possibly a need for more workers at this point, look into expanding my booth.
Step five: Bring my business to a key franchise company and before you know it I will have the busiest Chik-fil-a/Chinese food/sandwich shop in the entire Southeast.
Plan to commence after the holidays. I'm going to be so freaking, fantastically, fabulously rich from this scheme.