Thursday, February 24, 2011

Malawi Bound, finally!

I actually made it, I made it through the absolute most whirlwind amazing month of 100,000,001 good byes, I made it to the airport, managed to squeak by with my 79.5lbs of checked luggage when I was only allowed 80, and at this rate I may even make it to Africa!
The past few weeks have been hectic... how hectic? Well lets just say my personal hygiene has seriously suffered. On the way to the airport my mother informed me my hair was hitting bird's nest like quality, and after closer inspection I discovered 23 bobby pins, 1 hair clip, three rubber bands, and a head band. Don't worry, the 23 bobby pins set off the security metal detector. Its interesting to get your head inspected by a gun totting security guard. I'm pretty sure he told me with his eyes that it was time to shower. I promise to clean myself up before I meet the people I will be confined in very close quarters with over the next 9 weeks. Have to make a good first impression!!
Will be in Philadelphia for the next 24 hours, then a shuttle to NYC, fly out at 10am Saturday morning, and arrive in Africa late afternoon Sunday.
Plan is to take it one step at a time. Current top priority is acquiring a cheese steak, the rest can wait.

Attached is picture of me in all my Malawi bound glory. I considered placing it all in a shopping cart and wheeling it in, but in my current physical state I'm pretty sure I would be mistaken for homeless.

1 comment:

  1. Dirty Dirty Monkey going home to her kin! Love you dude, package is on the way! Working on the Cheese solution too. Gotta see what Maus Haus can do for me... stand by. Don't milk Stacy the Goat too much in desperation either, that's a rookie goat owners mistake.
