I think that we can all agree that even under the best circumstances home renovations can be a stressful and trying event. Now throw in this wonderful language barrier, stir in a slight difference in definition of quality workmanship, and a dash of work ethic confusion, and I’ve ordered myself up a steaming bowl of daily surprises and headache.
List of Requested Home Improvements
-New floor for my outhouse
-Cemented front porch (currently a pile of bricks and dirt)
-Flower Garden
Yep that was it. Here is where I currently stand….
-No cement or new floor but I have three lovely bags of cement sitting in my living room, and no hope of moving them as they weigh approximately 2323425234 lbs.
-6 sheets of corrugated tin roofing that appear to be about 5ft by 12ft. Where? Also in the living room. Why? I honestly have no idea, but my landlord showed up with the cement at the same time so I figured why not? Till When? Not a clue.
-A cornfield. I think. At least that’s what I’m pretty sure they told me when I asked "what is in the dirt?"
-Lots of flowers, at least what used to be flowers. They actually appear to be flowers, dug up for some unknown location, and placed randomly in piles of dirt in my front yard. Its reminiscent of a pet cemetery.
And so I wait with bated breath… If nothing else my bags of cement are doing a great job as my new footstool and the shiny metal is practically as good as television.
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