Friday, June 17, 2011

My Bucket List

Garrett, my nearest Peace Corps neighbor, and I are water bucket carrying masters! I started out with a 15 liter bucket but after some children played an unfortunate prank on me and poked holes in the bottom of it and stood laughing as I got soaked. I was forced to upgrade to the 20 liter sooner than I expected. Buckets here are like cars in the US. The bigger the better and the more you get the cooler you are. I'm currently sitting at 14 buckets and definitely still falling far short of the average Malawian. I will eventually figure out what they are doing with all these buckets.

I know you are dying to know what I could possibly do with 14 buckets...
I present to you in order of favorites:

Katie's Bucket List
Peenelope- my very first bucket. Can you guess what she's for?
hand bucket for bathing
scooper bucket for water
water bucket
big water bucket
bucket with tap for hand washing
dish bucket
dish rinsing bucket
dirty dish bucket
hair washing bucket
dog washing bucket
laundry bucket#1
laundry bucket #2 (I brought too many clothes)
watering can bucket for gardener (afore mentioned bucket with hole)

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