Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Thanks Gibbon!!

I swear this is my last post involving baby animals for awhile. I just couldn't resist combining the two things I love the most... puns, and baby animals.

My Thanksgiving was exactly on par with every other Thanksgiving at my house....
lots and lots of waiting around.

We were told dinner would be at 5.
but this was the dinner table and the corresponding time; please note almost empty wine glass

Poor Jake didn't make it

My strategy was simply to pick at the turkey till someone noticed. Someone noticed.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Damn, I got tolled

Currently, this little, seemingly innocent, contraption is the bane of my total existence. Everyday I feed the pavement with my nickels, quarters and dimes. It has left me in sheer panic as a realize I have lost my money to the ground, or misplaced my last dime, or to discover that I have accidentally wound up in the "exact change" lane when all I have is my crumpled dollar bill. I am the guilty driver who must put on the flashers and frantically press the help button until some toll god somewhere on the opposite end of that ancient looking call box takes pity on me.
Let the countdown begin:

T-MINUS 7-10 business days until my toll card arrives. Believe me, all the 6am commuters passing through the 400 toll are as excited as me.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Adventures in Tailgating

Tailgating at its best! I refused to play games all day; no beer pong or corn-hole for me. Ant time I even attempt at such shenanigans I make an ass out of myself. However, I thought flip cup would be fairly innocent; you know, lots of people to distract away from my total lack of hand-eye coordination. HA!!
Picture of the group directly before our first round..... and then the picture of me LITERALLY 45 seconds later.

as if everyone didn't see this one coming

Being soaked in beer was a little chilly so Lindsey generously "offered" to share her jacket with me. By offered it was more like forced to share and then forced to wander around with me hanging out her sleeves for almost 15 minutes.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Hanging with the cool kids

#1 rule of looking hipster in Atlanta: stand looking pensive in front of industrial background looking like you just came down with a wicked case of polio and/or scoliosis.

Dinner of Champion(s)

This post shall be dedicated the the marvel that is the instant mashed potato. It is truly unrivalled in the culinary world, and stands alone as a source of awe and inspiration to head chefs around the world. If you are very lucky, you may live near to a Kroger and then you can find the instant mashed potato in its most perfect form. The Kroger brand potato needs no milk, butter, oil or seasoning added to it, for it is already perfect in all its preservative and dehydrated form.

For a perfect pairing, add a slice of American cheese. I chose a scrumptious side of Morning Star Farms chik n nuggets as a side to complement my glorious potatoes.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The newest member of my family

My 6 year old brother has been begging for a dog. He disappeared this past Sunday into the back yard, and when he returned he was dragging "Evan" behind him. He is now an official member of the family, eggcrate eyes and Bass Beer torso and all.

How to waste a tremendous amount of time

Just moved into my new place. The entire ordeal was exactly that... an ordeal. Moved from a nice little one bedroom into a two bedroom to share with my little sister. There was some serious miscommunication between us and the management, so we spent the entire first few days trying to move our stuff in around the painters in an attempt to rid ourselves of key lime green and electric blue walls.

So I spent forever agonizing of paint colors, literally raped the color swatch wall at Home Depot, and this is what I ended up with.

The first picture is my room before being repainted: and then my room after being painted. Except for a little more light do you notice the difference? Yep... me neither.